A New Look

One hour lectures fully supported by Powerpoint slideshows and video. Fact filled and superbly illustrated they are informative and entertaining.

Titles below LINK to lecture details - - link selected will appear immediately below this type block.

- Man's Best Friends in Art & History: Cats & Dogs - 2 lectures
- Man's Strength for 35,000 years: The Horse in Art & History - 1 lecture
- Art between the Covers: Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts - 1 lecture
- Flower Power - Flowers in Life, Art and History - 1 lecture
- Poetry & Readings, or Made to Order


Contact:  read@videotron.ca
514 945 0924

In my working life, I presented new products or marketing concepts - now I'm finally presenting topics that are close to my heart.

I've always had an interest in art, history, animals and poetry and I first spun these interests into presentations in late 2012.  

The slideshow/video lecture subjects are (of course) ones about which I am passionate...the content is always designed to both entertain and inform.

The poetry and readings are wry, amusing commentaries on life and love - some my own work and some from both the greats and not so greats.

Custom presentations for special occasions or seasonal celebrations are a pleasure to create, as ever designed to entertain...a lead-time to prepare is of course essential.


References available.

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